Macchiato Vs Mocha-Which one is Your Type?





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It sometimes feels bizarre just how many of the coffee variations are available today. However, if you ask the coffee geeks, it’s not less than a blessing to be able to delve in so many varieties of this ever popular beverage.

As the coffee increases in popularity with every passing day, so do its types. However, with our elaborate guide on different types of coffees, you’ll never feel rattled by ever increasing varieties. When we talk about the contemporary varieties of coffee, the account is incomplete without macchiato and mocha. These are among the hottest sensations for coffee lovers.

Although, the difference between the two may seem to be very subtle for some, the coffee geeks can tell that these two varieties actually differ a lot on many fronts. Especially if you are very particular about your taste preferences, you would surely want to know a bit more about them to decide which one would be appreciated by your taste buds.

However, taste is not the only thing they differ in. there are a lot of other differences as well between these two varieties. Let’s explore a bit in detail for you to make a learned choice.

Differences Between Macchiato and Mocha

Differences Between Macchiato and Mocha

To start with, you should know that a macchiato is essentially an espresso, especially the traditional one, whereas a mocha has a close resemblance with a latte. Although, some varieties of macchiato also go a bit closer to latte, but mocha still have a much closer resemblance to latte because of it ingredients.

Let us now explore in detail, how these two differ from each other.

1.     The Difference in Contents

When it comes to ingredients, a macchiato is essentially an espresso drink. It can either be a single or double espresso depending entirely on how you like it. Then it has just a spoonful of milk foam on the top. It usually doesn’t use steamed milk, rather it is just the milk foam that is added on the top.

Mocha, on the other hand, has comparatively more steamed milk in it along with a bit of espresso, a sweetener like chocolate sauce, and sometimes whipped cream as well for the topping.

In short, the milk used in mocha is way more than that used in macchiato. For a better idea, if macchiato has 1 oz of milk as its topping, mocha has ½ cup of milk in it. Besides, macchiato doesn’t have any sweeteners added to it unlike mocha which uses chocolate sauce.

Hence, not only are the ingredients a bit different for both beverages, their ratio is also a lot different from each other.

2.     Number of Variations

Another difference between macchiato and mocha is that the former has comparatively more variations as compared to the latter. Among the commonly found variations of macchiato in coffee shops, two are very popular;

  • Traditional macchiato, and
  • Latte like macchiato

A traditional macchiato is made with single or double espresso and a small spoonful of foamed milk on the top. That’s the simplest, and most traditional form of macchiato.

The second variation of macchiato, on the other hand, is more similar to a latte as compared to traditional macchiato. This macchiato is made by first pouring the small quantity of milk and foam to the base. The espresso is then added to the cup. This gives a layered outlook to the cup of latte-like macchiato. The amount of milk in this variation is a bit more than traditional variation. However, still lesser than that used in mocha.

Mocha, on the other hand has just a few variations. For example, it can be made using milk chocolate, or dark chocolate, or white chocolate. Besides, you can use a sweetener of your choice. It can be chocolate syrup, chocolate powder, melted chocolate, etc. in short, the ingredients remain almost the same but can be used in different forms. So, it has fewer variations and more ingredients compared to macchiato.

3.     Calories and Caffeine Count

For some, caffeine count in their daily beverage has a lot of importance because the overconsumption of caffeine on regular basis can lead to several side effects. Consistently consuming high quantities of caffeine can not only cause addiction, it can also lead to digestion problems, increased risk of heart problems, sleeplessness, and anxiety. Hence, they are cautious about the caffeine count in a drink they take habitually.

When macchiato and mocha are compared on caffeine gauge, macchiato certainly has a higher caffeine content. This is because it contains double shots of espresso in most cases. Besides, mocha has more milk as compared to macchiato. This difference in milk to coffee ratio makes mocha a less caffeinated beverage as compared to macchiato. Where a cup of traditional macchiato has around 136mg of caffeine, a mocha has just 68mg caffeine.

However, when it comes to calories count, the things are the other way round. Since, a mocha contains more milk, whipped cream as topping, and a sweetener like chocolate syrup, it has much higher caloric content as compared to macchiato which has very low quantity of milk and is instead rich in espresso. Besides, there aren’t any added sweeteners in macchiato. Hence, where a mocha can have around 162 calories, traditional macchiato has only 17 calories in a cup. The calories count, however, changes as you vary the milk quantity for both drinks.

Besides, changing the type of milk used in your beverage can also go a long way in keeping the caloric count within certain range. For example, the low fat milk varieties, or the plant based milks like almond milk are becoming very popular among coffee lovers trying to restrain their caloric intake. These varieties help retain the taste while lowering the fat and calories in your coffee, thus making it more healthful.

4.     Taste and Strength

For coffee enthusiasts, mocha and macchiato are two very different beverages when it comes to taste and strength. Since macchiato is almost devoid of milk and instead contains double espresso shots, it gives you an intense taste of coffee. It tastes heavenly for espresso lovers.

Mocha, on the other hand, has a chocolate sweetener and comparatively more milk, thus subsiding the intense taste of coffee. Besides, it is mostly served with whipped cream on the top. This further leads to a rich blend of chocolaty and creamy taste with a slight feel of espresso.

So, we can safely say that macchiatos are a much stronger genre of coffee as compared to mocha which is much more flavorful instead.

Hence, if you are looking for a nice blend of flavorful chocolate, cream, and a tinge of coffee, you should certainly go with mocha. But if, by coffee you strictly mean coffee, strong and potent, there’s nothing like a traditional macchiato.

5.     Difference in Brewing Process

The two beverages are made using different brewing techniques. For making a mocha, the chocolate is mostly added first of all to the cup. It is then followed by adding espresso and mixing the two. Some bars prefer using an already blended mixture of chocolate and espresso so that they can come up with a balanced chocolaty flavor. Next step involves pouring the milk. It can then be topped with whipped cream which is optional.

However, for a macchiato, the brewing process starts by pouring a shot or two of espresso from espresso machine into the cup. It is then topped with a scoop of milk foam and your bold coffee with intense flavor is ready. This is how a macchiato is more of an espresso and a mocha resembles closely to a latte.

Final Verdict

Which one is better than? Are you a macchiato person or a mocha person. It all depends upon your preferences on the above mentioned criteria. If you are an admirer of blended heavenly taste of chocolate, cream, and a hint of coffee, you should go with mocha.

However, those looking for an ardent espresso lover who can’t stand anything that spoils the intense feel, a traditional macchiato is all you need.

On the other hand, those looking for a low calorie count wouldn’t really appreciate a mocha. and those after a lower caffeine count won’t prefer macchiato. Though, you can create a balance between the two by adjusting the ratio of the ingredients according to your preferences. In the end, its all about your taste and health preferences. However, you should never be afraid of trying new varieties. After all, it is so much fun to delve into the world of coffee.

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